
Bihar Police Admit Card 2023 News, How to Download ?

Bihar Police Admit Card 2023: Central Police Selection Board (CSBC) has invited applications for the posts of Police Constable in Bihar. This recruitment was done for about 21,391 positions. Online applications were invited from interested candidates for these positions from June 20 to July 20. Among them, many qualified candidates applied online. For all these candidates, good news comes from the Central Agent Selection Board. The Central Police Selection Board has announced the dates for the Bihar Police Exam 2023. Though the information has reached the newspapers 

Bihar Police Admit Card 2023

Bihar Police Admit Card 2023 Now the admit cards of all these candidates will be issued. Bihar Police Admit Card for Bihar Police Recruitment 2023 will be released on the official portal of Central Police Selection Board. If you have also applied for these posts then you need to know when the exam will be held as well as when the Bihar Police admit card will be released and how you can download it, all related information regarding this are explained in detail below. . For more information about this recruitment and download the admit card, you can click on the link below.

Bihar police officer recruitment exams will be held on 1, 7 and 15 October.. The test will be conducted in two teams. The first shift will be from 10am to 12pm and the second shift will be from 3pm to 5pm. Must arrive 2 hours before exam time.

Candidates who are unable to download the e-admit card from the website due to any reason will be able to download the e-admit card from the website on 26.09.2023 and 27.09.2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. p.m. at the Commission Central Selection Center (agency recruitment), Back Harding Road (near the Secretariat stop). A duplicate e-admit card can be obtained from the office located at Patna 800001. Such candidates can get a duplicate e-admit card at their own cost by visiting the society selection office in person above mentioned center contract (recruiting agent) with a copy of confirmation of receipt of application and valid photo ID card.

Exam center from September 12

The list of examination centers by roll number will be available on the Board's website from 12.09.2023. Candidates must ensure that the downloaded e-admit card is correct. Candidates should also keep their admit card carefully even after the exam as the selection committee may require it at later stages. A copy of the answer sheet (OMR sheet) pertaining to the written exam is available on the CSBC website for the convenience of candidates. In general, many candidates make mistakes while filling in details of roll number, question book number, paragraph writing and signature on the OMR sheet, leading to their application being canceled and their answer sheets not being evaluated. . To avoid these errors, candidates should study the important instructions related to the written test provided on the website before the written test and practice following the answer sheet pattern, to avoid the above errors and answer them. yours is correct. . . The pamphlet is not valid.

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